His life studio

Thursday 12 March 2009

Schooling went normal today.
After school our 'C' boys got friendly with SPRINGFIELD .
Some retarded idiot no sportmanshipo at all ,
KANINA Don't know how to play basketball dun play lah hor FUCKER !
You lucky i never put it in heart if not make sure you cannot even stand up lah
Immature Boy... GROW UP LAH PLEASE .
Anyway , 3/4 of the game C boys play.
Like shit lah . No teamplay all these.
But i also cannot comment much as players know,
Talk no use must show . =)
SO the last quater ''B'' boy (us) show off liao.
WON of course .
Uber slack ah the game. Think because with brothers then got muo qi
MRTed back alone w/o BEN today =(
Super lonely.


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