His life studio

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Seriously , was force to act for justin & brandon behide ~

Wow ! i'm a nigga ~



Woooo back ...
Okay now write about what happen in the Laugh Out Loud Wednesday =)

Today , i went to school as usual ... =.=
Bought Chrysanthemum tea at inter and chitchatted with Kit while waiting for the rest.
Then saw my beloved girl is there as usual ...
Sigh , still no courage to say Hello =(
And then bus came and go to school as usual.

First period is Social Study . . .
Nothing much, did some revision about Detterence and thats it

Second period is Math . . .
Speaking about Math , started paying attention in class unlike the past
Because 'N'Level coming le and also i want to be the same standard as her , really don't want to let her despise me.
Soooo, i am seriously working real hard in studying now. =)
Did the topic BEARING today , quite easy to cope lah.
*I know our class is really slow due to some people but thank god Mrs Tan still got hope for us these hard working students =) TY alot !

Third period is Geography . . .
Was suppose to have a Revision Test today but since the class isn't that ready ,
soooo postpone until the next remedial then do the test.
Aha ! Mrs Wong expect me and Justin to get 15/25 and above and expect Brandon to get 10/25 and above .... He damnnn shag lah . Sooo funny.

RECESS . . .
Didn't went to the canteen but straight to the court,
shoot a few ball to try to get back the feeling i have on last Sunday which shooting rate was 90%.
But today SR was only about 55%
Then asked Ben help me buy a Burger and drink .
Umppp ~
Play a single match . Didn't use match skill to play cause the guys dun want to play seriously.
Sibei sian leh... Yesterday play that time sprained my left ankle.
Hurt quite abit now.
Ooyeah , and also. . . Yesterday Ah paul asked me to join an outside basketball team with him.
Don't know what the Team is called, but he said its quite a strong team.
Still considering cause i'm really afraid that i'm not up to that standard and thus letting the other teammates down.
GUYS , let train harder and show what we're capable and unleash our talent together to the others. G luck !

After recess had our forth period Mother tongue. . .
Went up late as usual .
Did some copying work and then suddenly i search my bag for my phone.
I then WTF ! Its gone~
But i know comfirm either one of my cliques took it so i kept on confronting them .
Its so hilarious lah. Running to the next class like no teacher in our class like that.
Not that i don't respect her or what , but handphone more important =)
Hahaha, I kept on suspecting is Ah leong and Fatnial then they du lan .
But then leh, Darren say its ryan so bo bian...
Used force to take from him liao. So stupid sia him ... But seriously a hilarious period.

Fifth Period is English . . .
Continued with remedial's worksheet.
Kept on kanna scold by Mr Hamdi for not focusing on the lession
Cause i keep on pestering Justin to sell me his sweater.
Argh ! *Sell me leh ~*

Last period is Physic. . .
THE best period. Played alot ...
Took photos with JUSTIN & BRANDON phone .
Shall take the picture from Ah J and post later . . . Super classsssic ah all those pictures.

After school go canteen eat then took bus home with Darren Ben Kit .
The rest went home early cause think they got some stuff up...
MRTed home with ben along with alot of jiao wei.

Surprise why so long post?
Cause i wanna improve my english =)
Okay lah , that its for today. Hope tomoro will be a better day for everyone.
Cheer up for the unhappies !


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