His life studio

Thursday 2 April 2009

A quite simple day today =)
Heres simply what happen lah.

Woke up 5mins late today and then go on with brushing teeth and styling hair.
Hurry pack back and staff and lastly kiss goodbye to my dog and my mother .
At busstop that time actually want buy REDBULL from Vending machine but stupid vending machine dun want earn money. SIBEI DULAN !

Then later at Bedok Inter , i and Kit was there first as usual drinking my ORANGE juice. =)
On and on the rest came along .
Ahgirl also there still as usual i always stare at her from her back. Hahaha
Took Bus 225 go school.
Walao eh, really want to complain to MOH ah ... Bedok Enviroment is serious killing me man.
The smell around our school's neighbourhood is damn bloody smelly can . ARGH .

Alright, lets skip the boring assembly point.

First period + Second period is ART . . .
Finally today I've got my inspiration from Mdm Rosiah's ''china art book of design''
Spent 2hours on my design on the bird. i can tell you , its damn beautiful
Tomoro i take back the book that time i'll take a picture of it and post it. =)

Third period is Math . . .
Did the usual Bearing but on to questions that are harder.
THE idiots of 4A4 ( Ben , Dion , Darren & Waileong ) never come disturb us cause they below playing Basketball and eating after PE.
Sibei boring ~

RECESS . . .
Rush down to eat CURRY CHICKEN NOODLE cause wanna play basketball later .
Then hurry up chiong go buy water then straight to the court !
At the court leh, see Ben,waileong , dion and lamer Darren thats wearing the Laker's Jersey(Fake one) Haolian ~
Join them shooting before getting into matches .
Sigh , very sian leh nowadays with the guys playing damn unserious except for some.
Afterwards the rest came over after eating then we played 5 on 5 Half court.
Was actually gonna start a proper game but after an attempt to go up to the basket ,
FATNIEL ~smash his bloody pig hand on my nose then argh !
No mood after that .
Lost the match by 1 point.
Then went up for MT late as usually.

Forth period is MT . . .
Teacher never come and then Joycelyn relieve us.
Hahaha, she keep on ask us the TOP 4 in class to do work which i never lay my hand on it even for once. Aha !
Chitchatted with the guys about don't know what.... Bo ki liao ~

Fifth period is Chemistry.
Something bad change my mood alot. Sigh ~
Walked with Justin to Chem lab then saw Mdm Han then i disiao her say
''Wahseh , Mdm Han ! nowadays very SEXY ah ~Wooohooo '' in a loud manner
Then then then leh, AHgirl walked past !!!!
Damn destroying my impression of me in a heart . . .
Chem class the only i do i copying Almas's chem notes for the whole time.
The end lor . . .

Last period English . . .
Went up late cause the class kei siao infront of Mrs Koh that they don't understand and
stuff and want her to explain more. . .
Okay . . . English class we did Summary which was easy and its part of CA !!!
Shoik lah...
Hope i get high point cause MR Hamdi say whoever did well , the next remedials can go home earlier different from the rest =)
Suddenly i felt a splash of water coming from the window ...
Si lang ah loke spray water at me.
TMD ! He say :'' Aiya , water only . Don't mind lah ''
Limbei sibei dulan then say :'' Aiya , later i bring bucket of water and pour at you also water only mah.... Nevermind lah =D ''
Then he laugh. Sibei lame ~

After school actually planning to go play basketball but some people no passion then nevermind lor.
GO home . . .
In the bus , discussed about going out tomoro for movie Ăšnborn'and also Sunday going KentHill train with the Outside team.
Really looking forward to go for all these...
Then at Inter , we went eating at hawker center .
The Curry Noodle which was usually damn nice , like shit ah today !
Eat half then go buy dessert Mango ICE shard.
Umpp ~
Then chitchatted cause tooooooo FULL to walk.
Left alone without BEN =( to take MRT . . .
And then at MRT top saw Xinyi and said HELLO !
Very unhappy cause everytime take MRT no beautiful girls one.=/
Blah blah blah then reach home .

At home ,
Sis and her Boyfriend using com while i eat Subway cookie they bought.
Play with AH kim in the room like crazy before sleeping.
Woked up seeing a new Cupboard with my clothes all inside .
Sooo happy.

THe end the for day....

LOVE ya 2.6.5


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