His life studio

Saturday 20 June 2009

Heyyo my studio readers =)
Now i'm very very very tired now after everything today .

Sooooooooo i was like super tired waking up 11pm today when i slept at 4am yesterday LAH !

Went to shop to help in the afternoon and then dad fetch me to RYAN's house cause actually Me Ben and Ry going to meet at Tampines at 1630 but i go ryan house first cause i left work early .

Chitchat about HIS mushy relationship with his DUMB and then went to meet Ben and Tampines . AND we're like freaking late lah !

Into T1 arcade for Guitar Hero AND my basketball machine . MAN I STILL GOT THE TOUCH =)
Tampines later to buy some accessories and off to GIANT & IKEA due to boredom .
Played around IKEA and took shuttle bus back to TM .

BEN left first and i was like left with Ryan . MINDLESSLY walking around with no motive .
He kept on messaging and i was super bored and tired can !
Took 81 with him and went home ...

SERIOUS SHIT tired ! =)


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