His life studio

Thursday 30 April 2009

Good morning
Just woke up !

Saw the news about LuoZhiXiang Webcam Scandal
Guys ! Believe him ! His innocent , just go watch 100% Entertainment , he'll explain it all.
Show Rocks in Music , Dance , Looks and Attitude .

Anyway about yesterday's shits . . .

*School As usual so skip *

After school took bus go Bedok Inter Hawker Centre and eat Lunch.
Almost everyday also the same .
Unlike other typical Singaporean students which Lunch are always either in


We appreciate Singaporean Standard of living.
Appriciate the food Singaporean create.
And thus , Hawker Center is our choice for lunch .

*Actually , no money lah* =D

Okay , we eat and chitchatted alot of rubbish and funny thing.
About our stuff in IPOD.
Then afterward went to have our favourite Dessert , Ice Kimo .

Went home afterward with Ryan on MRT.

About 4+ pack everything and go 201 for basketball.

Sigh , why Basketball bring so much stress but so much fun ?

Next , Timothy & friends came and we played Rotating matches.

Sweated alot as usual everytime with time around =)

Learn quite few things from his friend AKA AhMeng.

Went home afterwards.


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