His life studio

Sunday 5 July 2009

I'm back finally ! Gosh , i was so near to being shut down(Isolated)
by the docs of CGH .
Basically ,i'm sick and suffer from several of H1N1 symtoms .

Friday after school went home straight away as i don't feel so good. Reach home i straight away went to bed and sleep . Woke on around 5pm and i felt damn hot as if i was burning from inside out . Took temperature and HOLY MOLY , 39degrees ! I was like so damn no strength and stuff . So my brother and i took taxi to CGH because all the neighbourhood clinics are closed .

Okay so once reach there , took some checkup and i was brought into this area alone without my brother to do other check ups . MAN ! WAS IT SCARY INSIDE ! Everyone was wearing mask , damn quiet and super cold inside . Took about 2 hours inside and the registration fee was like $75 ! FUCK lah , my money leh !

After the whole thing , i was forbidded to take public transport and so they got this so call TAXI to fetch me alone home . Sad case for my brother then .

My fever went up and low even until now . Yesterday wasn't able to go out with friend due to being quarantined . 1 week MC !
Oh yeah , one more thing . FCUK Mdm Tan , fucking irresponsible . Took my Ipod say will return me on Friday but when i go find her she not in . >[

Was able to blog now because i'm feeling better .
Hope that i'll be back in school in no time . =)


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