His life studio

Friday 15 May 2009

Satisfied Friday !

Woots ! I look fat during the holidays man !

Bah! I totally need to be more motivated to blog.
For some reason i felt that my blog is not special at all.
Maybe because every i post about the same things like what i do in campus and go where and stuff. FREAK ! Even i feel its boring .

Completed my LAST paper ART today >.<
Oh my god ! Did I do my best in drawing . Wooooo
Okay and after 2 and a half hours of artistism (=.=) , went home with Brandon , Augustin & another friend . '' The guys went off earlier before us ''

~ B A S K E T B A L L ~
Went to 201 at 2.30 straight after reaching home .
First to reach and shot a few balls ...
Awhile later heard BIANG BIANG ''lighning'' then went to have lunch.
Continue to play until 9 pm +

My determination led me to winning all ''SERIOUS'' matches.
Had good shooting form and luck today .*Yes! *

Extras things ...
Benjamin from my school sec 2 was down there .
Kept on pestering us from afternoon till the point where i go home .
Wonder why ?

Oh oh oh yeah , did i mention that i did something special to my FatBro Ben ?
Well , let keep it a SECRET or else i'll have no one to go home with me anymore.
Ahahahahahaha. *Choke*cough*cough*


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