His life studio

Monday 20 July 2009

W T F . Blogger is having some problem with the posting page . Everything seems to be cropped up ! Now i can't post pictures . DAMN IT SERIOUS M ~

Saturday , 18 July , 2009

Okay so lets start with Saturday's Adventure =)
I went working for half day , until 3pm , and later on went to WhiteSand meet Ben , AB , Waileong , Benedict & Poh . We're going fishing at Pasir Ris Park . Met them in the FoodCourt because their having their Lunch . Went home to take my Rod accompanied by them . Followed by going to Pasir RIs Park later on .

Time passes so fast when you're having fun you know ? I caught one small fish and AB caught 5fish nd one baby stingray . LMAO , he sibei cheapskate bring home eat . POH Bagei sibei sexy ah anyway .

Before the night came , we packed up and went to whitesand to have our Dinner , after that went to arcade and Kiap plushies . $3 and i caught one .*Currently hanging on my bag * Anyway i feel so bad phychoing Leong to spent $20 on kiaping machine and another $24 on a pink shirt . WTH !

Went home after that and its drizzling . =) So beautiful under the lamplight .

Sunday , 19 July , 2009

Nothing much , i went working at my mum's shop the whole day to earn a couple of bucks . Anyway ah , the shop beside my mum's shop is J & J Special Beef Noodle , THe one that appear on TV's Buzzing Cashier ... Help Uncle William advertise. =D

Monday ,20 July , 2009

I'm not having Monday Blues today because i have to best of all cliques around me to cheer me up .

Kong Waileong : The Joker
Loke Dion : The Idiot Wierdo
Tan Ryan : The Steadier
Yeo Darren : The Iphone Pro
Ng Justin : The Listener
Seow Ben : The Partner in making people go 'LMAO'
Kitloon : The Hairy Malaysian .
Daniel : The insult(ed)
Brandon : The Bullied =)
Rickson : 4A5 brother
Augustine : The Super Wierdo.

Some breif explaination of who and what kind of friend they meant to me . Today i'm having my N Level English Oral after school . Woooohooooo ! Super nervous. But before hat was normal school time .

Skip to recess ~ Trina & co. is trying to be creative but in a stupid way . Think their playing T.or.D , and alot of stupid stuff they did made he recess so much livlier . Waileong kept saying that thier stupid and make it more funny .
During ART lession , we brought our canvas to outside te class to do as more windy . But after awhile of painting , we started to do MJ's moonwalk along he corridoor . But just when things start to get funnier , Mdm Rosiah scold us and orered us to bring everything back into the classroom . =.=

Unexpectly Rickson did Moonwalk almost perfectly ! OMG ! Bet he train everyday at home to impress us lor. Haha ! Sooooo , just before school end , all the Malay gathered around somewhere because of some matter . Think is because Aliff punched Hanwei , then later on after school 18siao all outside our school and that is when he show starts.
But honggan , me and rickson gotta go ORAL at 2.00pm so i couldn't get to watch a show . Comfirm talk talk then settle one this matter , if got fight broke out then maybe it'll be interesting .

Wooooooooo ~Damn nervous waiting for my turn . So when its my turn , everything went well . Eventhough my tongue got tied a few times but i think my mind didn't fail me .=)

Went home alone after that . Regretted not waiting for Rickson because CML was in the bus ! Argh ! Hmpf ! Bought a strawhat at whitesand for $17 and went home . Damn i love it so much !


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